By J Brock (FINN)


On Sunday the PWD Water Department informed the public that due to an issue with the supply of raw water to the filtration plant, the tanks had fallen below the normal operating level.  A subsequent drop in water pressure affected most of Stanley, with properties closer to the harbor retaining reduced gravitational pressure. Nonetheless, PWD’s water section prioritized water supply to the KEMH.

Following repair work that began on Sunday, the water tanks were refilled, and water was being pumped.  Most households had running water by noon on Monday but were advised to boil the water in the first instance if it is for drinking.


Several issues resulted in the loss of water, with the main one being that Murrell is currently offline due to essential works, leaving Moody Brook as the main source of supply. Water supplied from Moody Brook has a slower throughput and more waste due to the peat, which requires more treatment to ensure that the water is safe for consumption.


Water lines have been refilled after being emptied, causing potential colour changes, meaning that households were further advised to continue boiling water, if it is for drinking, until 3 September.


FINN will contact the Water Supervisor, David Roberts in due course, to find out if water still needs to be boiled after Friday.