Public Meeting on the Port


A little while ago we were asked to hold a public meeting on the port. For two reasons it is felt that should wait a month or two. First is the current situation with Covid. Getting many people into a room together when we are trying to manage the spread of the disease is counter-productive. Some of those wishing to attend and ask questions may not feel comfortable at large gatherings as well. The second is that we are still working through the detailed design and don’t have the answers to a lot of the questions that were fielded at the last public meeting.


We have taken what we feel are the main concerns and put a brief update below.



We hope to be in a position to know the fixed costs proposed by BAM in a month or two. We are currently in the detailed design phase and due to many moving parts, the estimates vary hugely. We will need to thoroughly scrutinise proposals before coming to any decisions, and will update the public as this progresses, as well as updating on possible funding routes.


Stakeholder Engagement

We have convened a group of industry representatives of future users who we are consulting with to identify issues that need addressing. This is proving very useful and will continue.


Dismantling/Scuttling/Selling FIPASS

Options for someone taking FIPASS away or scuttling it are still being progressed, the early work so far is positive. As before dismantling it is the last resort. We expect to conclude the assessment of the scuttling option in June, and will update the public further at that point.


Stanley Growers/Market Garden

We are still discussing options, but will strive to make sure that the business is impacted as little as possible and that the supply of fresh veg and fruit continues.


If anyone wishes to raise other questions on the port or anything else for that matter, we are happy to receive them through Gilbert House and will strive to get answers to them.  Email:


Members of the Legislative Assembly

09 May 2022