Animal Health (Emergency Measures for Outbreaks of Disease) Order 2022


Avian influenza


Declaration of temporary control zone FK-366-23 2.11.23


I, Andrea Clausen Director, Department of Natural Resources make this Declaration under

article 4 of the Animal Health (Emergency Measures for Outbreaks of Disease) Order 2022

(“the Order”).


Before making this Declaration, I consulted the Senior Veterinary Officer in accordance with

article 4(1) of the Order.


  1. The premises and area known as the city of Stanley is a temporary control zone for the

purpose of preventing the spread of disease.


  1. The temporary control zone includes —

(a) all areas within the city of Stanley


  1. For the purposes of this Declaration, any premises that are partly inside and partly outside

the temporary control zone are to be treated as being wholly inside it.


  1. Within the temporary control zone the restrictions and requirements set out in the Schedule



  1. Poultry or animal products may only be moved into and out of the temporary control zone


(a) for the purposes of destruction at Sand Bay abattoir; or


(b) in accordance with a licence granted under article 9 of the Order.


  1. This Declaration ceases to have effect on 23rd November 2023.


  1. Any person who keeps or has charge of animals or poultry in a temporary control zone, and

any occupier of premises in a temporary control zone where animals or poultry are kept, must

comply with biosecurity guidance published by the Governor under section 6A of the Act.


  1. Failure to comply with this Declaration may be prosecuted as a criminal offence, for which

the penalty on conviction is a fine up to level 5 (£4000) or up to 6 months in prison or both.


Date 2nd November 2023 ……… ………….


Director, Department of Natural Resources

Falkland Islands Government



Restrictions and requirements


(a) Subject to paragraph 7 of this Declaration, movement out of the temporary control zone

of —


(i) poultry*


(ii) eggs of domestic poultry


(iii) poultry feed and fodder;


(iv) litter or bedding used by poultry;

is prohibited with immediate effect.

*live poultry may also not be moved IN to the control zone but eggs and other poultry products



(b) Movement within the temporary control zone of —


(i) poultry,


(ii) eggs of domestic poultry


(iii) poultry feed and fodder; and


(iii) litter or bedding used by poultry;


Is only permitted in accordance with the directions of a veterinary officer.


(c) Persons keeping poultry in the temporary control zone must comply with the directions of

a veterinary officer as to the management of such poultry. That is:


From Thursday 9th November all domestic poultry must be kept confined in a suitable

run which wild birds are unable to access. Fine netting or solid roofing must be erected

over the run. Poultry (eg domestic hens, ducks and geese) are not allowed to free roam.


(d) With immediate effect, persons keeping poultry in the temporary control zone must keep

and maintain a record of all such poultry that —


(i) is updated daily with details of numbers of birds that have died or have shown

symptoms of disease since the record was last updated; and


(ii) includes such other information as a veterinary officer may reasonably require in

order to monitor the spread of disease and the rate of transmission.




22 November 2023