We Value Your feedback!
In 2021, St Helena Government (SHG) initiated a ‘live’ Service Delivery Survey to gauge customer satisfaction of services offered by SHG. This user-friendly survey is still‘live’ and gives customers a chance to rate the services that SHG offers and provide feedback on how they feel a particular service can be improved. SHG encourages the publicto participate in this survey.Feedback is welcomed and will be monitored and reported on regularly.
This week we respond to feedback received on some of the services provided by the Safety, Security and Home Affairs Portfolio in SHG, and the actions taken.
You said: Fire Service should provide cover at weekends and bank holidays for emergencies rather than just on-call as this could cause delays in responding to fires.
Our response: The Fire Service currently operates on a bi-weekly on-call system with two crews of five members each. This system is the most cost-effective way to provide after-hours coverage, despite potential delays in response times due to travel distances. A 24-hour manned station would require significant additional resources, including three crews of more than five members, upgraded facilities, and accommodation. Given current financial constraints, this option is not feasible.
Fire and Rescue Service
You said: Poor customer service, lack of clear processes
Our response: Customs and Immigration take all feedback constructively and therefore, we are currently undertaking a full review of processes and procedures which will identify efficiencies and streamlining opportunities. We are committed to providing a modernised law enforcement capability, streamlining services which will ultimately help to deliver the Ministers’ Vision by providing an altogether safer community on St Helena. Any decisions will be made in light of the current economic outlook whilst being true to our core values.
Customs and Immigration
You said: Safety should be the prime focus, has this been adopted for our port, who is the safety officer?
Our response: Weagree that safety should be the prime focus. Some of our risks will be addressed when Port Control moves to the Rupert’s Cargo Facility. The current port layout, combined with the need to accommodate multiple users and limited funding, hinders safety improvements. The Harbour Master is currently responsible for Health and Safety on the port.
Port Control
You said: Roads Maintenance needs to be more proactive with planned maintenance programs and not just putting all the resources into a small amount of the roads network on St Helena.
Our response: The condition of all roads is assessed monthly on a scale of 1 (good) to 5 (bad). Primary roads, which serve the main population centres and commercial areas, are prioritised for repairs. The specific criteria and methodology for prioritising road maintenance are outlined in the Roads Maintenance Policy. This can be accessed on the SHG website athttps://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Roads-Maintenance-Policy-241014-002.pdf.
You said: There is no attempt to maintain country roads, even though these are government. As a result they are getting worse and worse. It is very difficult for residents to maintain their own roads, they don’t have the same access to equipment and materials that SHG has.
Our response: Funding for the upkeep of Community and District roads were removed from the budget in 2022. These roads do not form part of the adopted roads network. The road section only maintain adopted roads. Detailed information on the adopted roads network is outlined in the Roads Maintenance Policy.
You said: Hopefully, the slurry machine will produce the expected results and improve the standard of maintenance.
Our response: The new procured slurry machine has and will continue to have a positive outcome to the road surfaces on island. The current budget only allows for 35 to 40 days of slurry work a year. A limited budget means that primary roads are given priority.
Roads Maintenance
You said: Is Port Control aware of what boats come in and out of the harbour on a daily basis and who has returned or not?
Our response: No, Port Control does not track vessels leaving the port as there is no resource to do so. Every vessel operator has the ability to check in and out with the coast station (St Helena Radio) who will track them, however, this relies on the vessel operator to check out and in.
The online survey can be accessed via www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/SHG-Services. Hard copies are available from the Public Library and Post and Customer Services Centre, Jamestown