Statement from FIFCA in respect of FIG’s decision not to proceed with the port at this time.
- Falkland Islands Fishing Companies Association
Whilst disappointed that the port isn’t going ahead, FIFCA are not surprised by it. All along, we have recognised the benefits and economic value that a new port will bring to Islands and have been perhaps the strongest advocates for it, but not at any cost.
As members of our association continue to push on wherever they can with the renewal of three vessels at current costs exceeding €100m, we are all too aware of the extraordinary financial pressures and, “across the board” price increases in producing the modern, state of the art fishing fleet we want and understand why suppliers are reluctant to offer fixed costs for contracts such as the development of the new port.
To that end, we understand and to a degree sympathise with the Government’s rationale behind its position.
We look forward to seeing what alternative measures are put in place and as we always have, will continue to support the development and economic growth of local businesses by working with the infrastructure we currently have. However, we would urge the Government to revisit the port development as a matter of urgency and as soon as the global position changes and things start to normalise once more.
James Bates
Executive Secretary
Falkland Islands Fishing Companies Association.