12 November 2024


Responses from Sea Lion Environmental Impact Statement public consultation considered


Following the public consultation for the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Sea Lion Field Northern Development Area, Phase 1 and 2, submitted by Navitas Petroleum Development and Production Limited, Executive Council (ExCo) has considered the representations made along with responses and further information at an extraordinary meeting held on Thursday 7 November.


A statutory public consultation exercise was held from 2 July 2024 to 13 August 2024 in line with the Offshore Minerals Ordinance 1994. A total of 30 representations were made during the public consultation including several from FIG departments, alongside comments made by the Department of Mineral Resources (‘DMR’) arising from its review of the EIS and reviews carried out by expert consultants. In line with the requirements, Navitas submitted responses to the representations to DMR on 10 September. After requesting and reviewing further information from Navitas, and after reviewing all the responses and information, DMR has made its recommendations to ExCo.


At its meeting held on 7 November, ExCo noted the representations made and the responses by Navitas and DMR and agreed that the additional information provided by Navitas in response to the consultation did not give grounds for a further period of public consultation.


ExCo noted that Navitas has committed to making several amendments to the EIS as a result of the representations made and republishing the EIS in line with guidance. It was also noted that some matters require further discussion, and that if the Falkland Islands Government is not satisfied with the outcome of these discussions, DMR will recommend conditions be attached to any future consent for the development to resolve those matters.


The acceptance of these points does not confer permission on the operator to develop the Sea Lion field. A development and production programme will need to be considered separately by ExCo.


Portfolio Holder for Natural Resources, MLA Teslyn Barkman said: “I would like to thank all of the individuals and organisations that made submissions during the public consultation process for the Sea Lion Environmental Impact Statement. It is vital that the community has the opportunity to provide their views on this potentially significant development for the Falkland Islands and the submissions received during the public consultation were invaluable”.


The ExCo paper can be viewed online at:


